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A member registered Aug 08, 2020

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I just played this one now. Very cute : )

Cute : )

(2 edits)

Thank you for sharing what happens. I didn't try it until too late this year. If you play on a different day the cat's home is closed.

I'm continuing to play a few of your games I haven't. this is cute as always KC. : )

Again a cute little game, thank you : )

I hit play and I think it didn't run.

I thought the goal for the final end was the lovely chocolates, but nope not that. I still need to figure it out.

Once again this was an extremely sweet game : )

That's super cool! : )

This was very cute. : ) I enjoyed it a lot.

(1 edit)

This game on steam may be nice for you, it's an adorable game about a frog making a tea party for their friends. 

Also a lot of NPCKC (the person who made this one)'s other games are really cozy like this if you want to look through their Itch channel or steam account. Penguin cafe is one you may find pretty cute:

This was very cute. I kind of understand the feeling. Thank you.

That was sweet : )

Thank you for telling me more about your thoughts and interpretation and intentions. I really appreciate it and the explanation was helpful.

Possible spoilers and possible tw in my response because of how I felt while playing:

The repeated "accept my boon" made it read as kind of forced to me and I don't know if me being ace and hoping to not read parts as related to that stuff played a roll in giving it that feeling but that with the suddenness of stuff happening to your character there made it read in a way that really felt not okay to me. There's also gross old tropes about that being freeing and transformative (even in more recent stuff like Rocky Horror) so the conclusion following still goes with that feeling. From the warnings I'm guessing you would have said that specifically and didn't mean it that way or I really hope, so I'm letting you know that it could come off like that and those repeated words specifically I think is what most gives that feeling.. Even if you were repressing parts of yourself that change should never be forced just as the possible other implied aspects shouldn't be forced. That wasn't the intention right? One of the last lines maybe implied that was actually part of you trying to make this happen and there was no other monster directly involved actually which would be a much better interpretation, but I don't know I still feel a bit weird. I would feel better if you said at least the intention wasn't about force or coercion.

This is my hyena. There are other like them but this one is mine.

Aw, for making this short sad little game.

What a miserable life you must live.

This is a very cute way to represent a pictocross game. : )

Thank you, this is lovely. T_T

I need to eat breakfast more often.

This was a very sweet little game  : ) I enjoyed it.

I'm really a kitsune. This sounds nice : )

This was really cute, thank you : )